With every product purchased from VISIONARIES OF TOMORROW, a child at Hope Menorah School Nakuru (Kenya) receives a warm meal every day for an entire school week . The school is located in the Rhonda Slum and enables orphans and children from the poorest backgrounds to meet their basic daily needs.
The Hope Menorah School Nakuru is financed by the non-profit association “Help for Hope eV” which I support with my project: one product = a warm meal every day for a school week.
I decided to donate to this non-profit organization because I know the founders personally and see how much love they have for the children. I have grown very fond of the club's work and have therefore been a donation member myself for some time. Now also with Visionaries of Tomorrow. :)
Founder and CEO of Visionaries of Tomorrow
Click on the link below to find out more about Help for Hope and possibly become a partner yourself: